Wednesday, February 07, 2007

To Town Tuesday

Seeing as there is a Manic Monday and a Wordless Wednesday, I felt Tuesday was left out, so I'm doing a To Town Tuesday. Ya, ya... I know that it says I'm posting this on Wednesday, but that's only because it's after midnight and I'm still up... as usual. It's still Tuesday to me.

Today a friend called that I hadn't heard from for over a month, so that was really nice. Then my nephew Denny called. That was big! I haven't heard from Den in a very long time. I don't think he's ever phoned me and I haven't even seen him in almost 2 years. He had called Mom and she told him that she and M were coming down tonight to take me to dinner and a movie as a belated birthday thing. So he got my number and called to wish me a belated happy b'day. Sure was great to hear from him, and to hear him sounding well and happy.

I went to my Dr. to get the results of the Barium X-rays I had last Tuesday. The Dr. thought I had a Hiatus Hernia, but it turned out I don't, so that is a really good thing. However, he doesn't know what is causing the acid reflux, and this has been a very big problem for me lately. He has tried me on 2 different kinds of medications and neither one worked, so he now has given me more of the one kind but doubled the dosage. So guess we'll see in the next week if this helps or not. Also he wants me to raise the head of my bed 6 inches, so I'll have to figure out how to do that. It's an antique bed and I tried before to put something under the front legs to raise it up, but it puts a lot of pressure on the wooden frame and was breaking it, so I stopped doing that. Now I'm going to have to figure out some way to put a wedge of some kind under the mattress.... but not tonight.

After that I ran a few errands, got some groceries and came home to find a note on my front door. "We were here to pick you up. Call my cell. We went to Boston Pizza". Ooopppsss.... I had thought a few times during the day about Mom and sister M coming down for the evening, but then my mind must have gone drifting off somewhere, afloat in the sea of life. I forgot! So I phoned and had them order my dinner and hopped back in the truck and headed back to town. After we ate we went to a movie called "Because I Said So", staring Diane Keaton. It was SOOOO FUNNY we laughed pretty much all the way through it, as did most of the people there. If you want to go to a movie, this one is a must see. I think even a lot of guy would get a hoot out of it, it's just "too funny".

There was other stuff too, but nothing worth writing about, haha. Now I'm going to get ready for bed, and go dream of what to post for Wordless Wednesday. :o)


clairesgarden said...

belated 'happy birthday' from me too!

Lisa Ryan said...

Thanks for the movie tip! I've seen the trailer and it looks very funny.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Thank you Claire. It was a good one.

You're very welcome Lisa. I keep seeing the trailer on TV and laugh every time as I know what's behind it all. I'd go see it again at some point, or maybe rent it later on DVD.