Saturday, February 24, 2007

OMG it was soooo funny

I just had the best laugh!

The phone rang... I answered it, and heard a small voice (young male I think), say "Is your refrigerator running?"

I replied, "No it isn't."

The voice said, "Oh, uh, okay then." Click.

I roared with laughter! It was soooo funny!

"What's so funny about that?" you might be asking yourself. Well, when I was a kid, my siblings and I did just that same thing. Pick a number out of the phone book and call, then when someone answers you say, "Is your refrigerator running?" Not knowing what's coming most would say "yes it is", some "just a moment and I'll check..... yes, it's running" or words to that effect. At which time we would say "well you better go chase it then" or "you better run after it"... silly things like that.

So this poor kid tonight called thinking he'd have fun and get a good laugh out of it... but it was me that got the big laugh.

Another thing we used to do was look in the phone book for people who lived on Railway Avenue, phone and ask if they lived on railway, and when they said yes they did, we would say "well you better move, a train is coming". Or find people who's address was Lake Kathlyn and ask "do you live on Lake Kathlyn" when the answer "yes" was given... "you better get off, you're sinking". Silly stuff for sure, but as kids we thought is was pretty funny.

Now, 40 some years later kids are still playing the same pranks as we did... or at least trying to.


Travis Cody said...

My favorite was to ask if they had Prince Albert in a can.

You turned the tables though!

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Hahahahaaaa... I remember my brother asking my Mom that very question!!! Thanks for the memories.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

"You better let him out"... good one Travis.

Heather, it is fun to remember isn't it. That is likely what hit me as so funny when this kid called... well, remembering us doing it as kids... and turning the tables on this kid and getting his "unprepared for this" reaction.

Crazy Working Mom said...

HAH! :)
You showed him, didn'tcha!?
That's classic. I'm never that quick on my feet, though darnit!

...I'm still laughin'.