Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Snowflakes

Today I went to Scotland to visit Clairesgarden. This is one of my regular pastimes that I enjoy. Today, Claire had posted a snowflake and given us a link to follow to go make our own snowflake. I think mine looked so much better when it was white with a colored background, but when it's saved it turns to the dark blue you see above. Still, it was kind of fun making it.

Okay, so I had to go back and make a second one. I cut more out on this one, knowing that it would turn dark blue, so needed more white showing through. I like this second one better than the first... which do you prefer? Let me know if you decide to go make and post a snowflake too, and I'll come to your blog and check it out.


clairesgarden said...

did you just get sucked right on into that site and pass a whole load of time making pretty littly snowflakes?
I think its great!! I wonder if there's a way to turn it back to a white flake, i'll have a play with some photo programmes and see, I'll let you know if I can.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Yes, Claire, I blew some time away making snowflakes, lol... but I only made these 2 so it wasn't too much time. It was kind of fun for my inner child to play for awhile, haha. That would be cool if you could figure out how to change them back to white flakes... but you'd also have to change the background to a color in order for the flake to show.