Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Great news!! Well, I'm definitely "stoked" about it anyway. Today (Monday, January 29) I finally got my pellet stove fixed and running again. Cal (the repair guy) totally cleaned out everything. Took the stove apart even more than I was able to and found a pile more "crud" than I had. Then he installed the new auger motor and had to remove the auger to clean out all the fines that had built up in there. He said that the fines could be why the motor burned out.

A man working! Worth taking a picture of... haha.

The stripped down inside of a pellet stove. He even took the door off.

And here it is with a fire in it again. Ahhhhh.... so nice to have it working again.

I'm doing a happy dance.

By the way... in an earlier post I said that the motor on the left side was for the fan and the one on the right side was for the auger (or something like that). Well, today I found out that I was mistaken. The motor on the left is for the blower that takes the smoke out - the motor on the right is for the fan that blows hot air into the house. The auger motor is in the back.


Unknown said...

just wanted to pop in and say hello and that i really enjoy your blog! i found the link to you on the PTF forums :) look forward to reading more! take care!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi Kristin. Welcome to my "home on the net". Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm glad you like what you see here and I too look forward to future visits from you. I will come over and have a look at your blog too. I've not been to PTF in the last few weeks so guess I should head back over there too and see what's been happening. TTYS.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Kristin, I tried going to your blog, but see your profile is not available. Oh well, one day when you're ready, leave me your address. In the meantime, come by for a visit any time.

clairesgarden said...

glad you have your cosy fire back. it looks so nice!

Bob said...

What are the pellets made of? We have a stove similar to that but it burns coal.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi Bob. The pellets are made of wood scraps basically, to the best of my knowledge. If interested, here is a web site to check out. I get my pellets from here... http://www.armstrongpellets.com/pellets.html
They come in SPF (Spruce,Pine,Fir mix) or Douglas Fir. I use the Douglas fir, a bit more expensive, but better in the long run.