Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hide and Seek? Nope, just TAG!

I was tagged!!! by Simple Katie ...

The Rules: Each player of this game starts with "6 weird things about you". Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "your tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.

1- I love a lot of "weird" smells, like: fresh cut hay when it's in the field drying; a winter feed lot (cattle), leather (especially when worn by a nice man ;op ), horse barn, etc.

2- I can read upside down (unless it's hand writing that I would have a hard time reading anyway).

3- I feel more comfortable around animals that I do around most people... more loved and accepted by animals usually.

4- I'm the "black sheep" in my "family of origin" and have never truly felt like I belong there.

5- It's not terribly uncommon for me to run outside to do "chicken chores" in my night gown or pajamas.

6- My internal clock is all out of whack with the world and always has been. When I was younger I often didn't get home from dancing until after the sun was up, but in those days I could handle it better and often went for 2 days or more without sleeping at all. Now it is not unusual for me to not get to bed until 2 or 3 am, sometimes I even slip to 4ish. So I don't tend to get up very early either. Being outside at midnight or later feeding animals is not unheard of around here. Good thing my critters are used to that :o).

Okay... that took awhile. Now to tag 6 people.... hhhmmmm.

1- Claire
2- Madcap
3- Rambling Irishman
4- Wildside (something to come back to blogging with, haha)
5- Dragonfly
6- Kate (Olson Dozen)

An early morning change:
I got a comment from Claire that she already did the 5 question meme like this not long ago, so I have tagged Girl Gone Gardening to play in Claire's place.


clairesgarden said...

Aice, I recently did this one and honestly couldn't think of another thing, can that count as joining in?

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Sorry about that Claire. I vaguely remembered that someone had done the 5 not that long ago, but couldn't remember who... lol. I may have tagged someone else that had done them too in the half asleep state I was in at the time of posting, haha.

We can't really count your 5 as joining in as it doesn't meet all the rules... I wish it did, but guess I have to pick and alternate person now... sigh. I hope others come and read your 5 still.

Have an awesome day... I wish you PEACE! I'm getting ready to go to church for the World Peace Meditation from 4-5am, then breakfast out and kill some time then regular meditation at 10:30, church service at 11:00. Then home to nap, hahaha.

Kathie said...

I can read upside down too. Funny that I didn't think of putting that in my list - it always makes Jeff laugh when I'm reading the newspaper upside down at the breakfast table.

Thanks for participating sweetie - Happy New Year!

Nickie said...

Well, since I was tagged :)

I went ahead and did a post on 6 strange things ;)

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Katie... thanks for tagging me, it was fun. Now I keep thinking of other stuff I could have put there too, haha. I'm writing them down just in case :o)

GGG... thanks for playing!! It was fun reading your post.