Sunday, November 26, 2006

Catching Up

A few weeks ago I took these pictures to post on my blog, but didn't even get them off the camera until today... So better late than never, lol.

Mmmmm.... hot homemade hamburger soup on a cool fall day. This was lunch on the day I took the picture, with the toasted pita bread you see too. No two pots of my homemade soup are ever alike as I never measure or remember just what I put into them. I just use whatever is handy in cupboards and fridge, throw in whatever spices sound usable that day, and wallah...

This silly pigeon always seems to be wanting to sit on a nest and hatch more pigeons, even now in sub zero weather. However, after a few days she leaves the nest box and I find... no eggs. However, I do occasionally find pigeon eggs in other nest boxes or other spots in the chicken house where all these semi wild birds and a lot of totally wild tiny little birds have taken up home along with the chooks.

These wild birds, however, don't live in my chicken house. These come in incredible numbers (God's abundance) to land on my spreading juniper bushes or in the trees in and above my yard. The sit for only a few moments, then off they go into the air again...
...usually to soon come back again and sit for those few moments again and... whoosh!!!


Wildside Musing said...

Beautiful, all those birds!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi Wildside!! Happy to see that you are still visiting blogs even though you're on "vacation" from working your own.

It is incredible how many birds are in these flocks. The numbers are way bigger than the birds themselves, lol.