Friday, January 30, 2009

I Am Grateful

Though this is posted on January 30th, it is for January 29th. You see, to me, a night owl from birth, it is still the 29th and won't be the 30th until I sleep and wake up again. So... here goes:

Mostly my day today was spent between this arm chair and my bed. Still in mega pain, waiting to hear back the results of my blood tests and see if he (the Dr.) is going to put me on Prednisone or not. He said the results would be back today, but I heard nothing. I better hear something by 2pm tomorrow, or I will go sit in his office and refuse to leave until he gives me some mega pain killers to get me through the weekend. This is not a great way to live life.

However, I did do some reading, and this is a great thing. Of the 3 fabulous books I'm currently reading, today it has been 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life, by Diane Harmony. I read parts of this book awhile back, and am very happy to be reading every single word of it now. This truly is life changing stuff.

I had read & heard much about tithing before, and had even taken some prosperity workshops where you had to tithe through out the weeks of the class, but at the end of the class I always quit tithing. I was doing it because I 'had' to, not because it was what I really wanted to do. Hey, I live on a disability pension, so I really need every cent I get, I can't afford to give it away like that!! Or so I thought at the time, and of course, there were many experiences in my life that proved I was right.

I don't remember now just what it is Diane Harmony says in this book when she comes to the part about Tithing, but I do remember that it somehow caused a paradigm shift within me, it somehow made me know that now was the time and that it would all be good. For over a year now, I have given 10% of my income each month to the source of my spiritual nourishment, to the Okanagan Centre for Spiritual Living. I know it's not a lot to them in the scheme of things, when it comes to paying the bills and such, and yet to me it is a lot. However, I am very grateful that I do this each month. I don't know how it works, but I do know that not only have I managed to live without this 10% each month, but I also have more left at the end of the month than I ever did before I started to tithe... and I never seem to want for anything.

I think that tithing, giving 10% of your income, is showing God (or whatever you choose to call this Infinite Creative Power that is the Source of All things) that you trust Him/It to keep you supplied with all you require. The odd time, some fear has come up for me around this, where I wanted to keep the money instead of tithing it to the Centre. I look at it and deal with it within myself, letting go of the fear, then I joyfully give, knowing I am always taken care of by Universal Mind at work in my life.

I am grateful for each moment in my day when I feel comfortable rather than in agony.
I am grateful that I am vastly 'different' than many people who I think could not handle things as I must do just now.
I am grateful that I am a survivor.
I am grateful that I am still laughing, because so long as I can still laugh, nothing can beat me.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to do some reading.
I am grateful for each of the 3 fabulous books I am currently reading.
I am grateful that I tithe a full 10% of my income each month.
I am grateful that I always have enough, and more.
I am grateful that God is the Source of All my Supply.
I am grateful for the warmth and comfort of my home.
I am grateful for my attitude towards life, that I am able to laugh my way through challenges.
I am grateful that I have come to like and even love myself. It was a long time coming.


The Ramblin Irishman said...

Hey Pal, Been a long time since I visited your blog. I agree with the tithe comments. We do the same and we live on disability but seem to make out all right. Sorry about the news concerning Canadians. Oh well you can always move to the states.:)) Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

We share the same philosophy about laughing! As long as I still have my sense of humor, all is well.

As to tithing. Once I accidentally dropped the wrong envelope in my purse in the offering tray. I kept the envelope with my tithe, and I dropped in the envelope containing my car payment. I was freaked.

I knew I could go to the church and ask for it back, but how embarrassing would that be? I went home and shook my piggy bank. I double checked my savings account. I emptied my purse, my pockets and the couch stuffing.

There were no to ways about it. I WAS making my car payment, so I wouldn't be eating much for a couple of weeks. And the most amazing thing happened -- I never missed a meal or had to resort to oatmeal without milk for dinner (been there, done that), yet I bought no groceries whatsoever.

I received several dinner invitations. There were TWO management provided luncheons at work. The church had a potluck and I signed up for beverages -- which means I made tea, coffee, and fruit juice from a couple of cans lounging in my freezer -- all things I already had on hand.

And when the next payday rolled around my cupboards were so empty I washed them and my fridge & freezer were so empty I scrubbed them. Then I FILLED them!

Many blessings came to me from that one moment of inattention. From that point on I have never feared giving.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi Tim... welcome back!!! Tithing really is a miracle, isn't it. What news about Canadians are you talking about? And move to the states?? Hey, if you mean the idiot's... err, I mean, if you mean the new budget, I don't think we'll have to move to the US. More like we'll become part of the US, so no need to move. Trust me, I did NOT vote for Harper!!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Quilly... I LOVE this story!! Thanks so much for sharing it. I look forward to sharing this story at the Centre one Sunday soon, when I next do the Healing Inspiration. Many people need to hear of the Miracle of Giving, and how it works in our lives. Maybe I'll even give more than my tithe next time... but not my car payment. I don't have a car payment, lol.