Tuesday, May 05, 2009

>>> I Am Grateful <<<

Today I got a fair bit of work done in my house, sorting and such like that. Not that anyone could tell, I'm sure, though I know it's been done so this is a good start.

I started to drive to town this afternoon to go to Aqua Therapy, then part way in I realized I'd forgotten something rather important. I wear an upper denture, and I had forgotten to put it in. It often rubs spots raw so I take it out a lot when I'm home, and sometimes do forget it. This is not the first time, and I have said to heck with it and just gone without teeth before, but today I didn't want to do that, so I turned around and came home. This made me too late to go to the therapy class. My back was hurting a lot, so I just laid down with my book for awhile, then got up and got back to sorting things out.

A lot of 'stuff' in piled up in each of the rooms of my house as things had to be shuffled from one room to another for the flooring to be put down. It's not finished yet as Dan has a paying job that's keeping him busy just now, so doesn't have the time to do a 'freeby'. Oh well, in time it will get done, and in the meantime, I really have to sort this out and get rid of a lot of it to make room for me and my animal family to have room to live here again.

This evening I got into playing MahJongg on the computer. I really like it and it tends to lead to me sitting here playing for hours on end and loosing track of time... shhheeeeesh!! It's nearly 4am and I'm still here.

+ I am grateful I got some work done here today
+ I am grateful for my home, even though it looks like a cyclone hit it
+ I am grateful Mewsic has been cuddled up with me all the time I've been playing on the computer, and still is here
+ I am grateful to be getting up off my butt that is starting to feel sore from sitting too long
+ I am grateful for the bed I'm about to go crawl into as soon as I do the last chores for the night... including putting the rooster inside the shed so he doesn't wake the neighbors

Nite nite.



Anonymous said...

I love MahJongg It's a great game. Happy Cinco De Mayo and Happy Boy's Day

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Okay, so I admit it... I had to look up Cinco De Mayo and Happy Boy's Day to find out what they are. I`ve heard of Cinco De Mayo before though don`t think I ever really knew what it was, or have forgotten (happens too often lately). I`ve never heard of Boy`s Day before. Thanks for enlightening me. Guess if I was up on Cinco De Mayo I`d have had a better chance of `getting` Punny Monday, haha.

Good wishes for both right back to you.