Monday, April 13, 2009

*** I Am Grateful ***

Today I stayed home all day. Did some dishes, folded lots of laundry and put it away, washed & dried another load which I will fold and put away before I go to bed. Brought in another bag of pellets and re-lit the stove as I'd let it go out for a good part of the day. Usually, by this time of the year, I rarely ever have to use any heat at all in here, and this year I'm still using it a lot. Very strange weather this year.

I had planned to do several things that I didn't get around to doing today. My back and neck were bothering me, and I often use this as an excuse not to do house work and other things.

- I am grateful I got around to read all the Three Word Thursday and Wordzzle posts over the weekend. There were several really good stories.
- I am grateful to have things looking better in the laundry room.
- I am grateful to have clean dishes
- I am grateful for the cute furry face looking down from on high at me just this very minute, lol... it's Smudge sitting in his cage watching me. (See sidebar).
- I am grateful DW was talking to me again this evening. For some time now she hasn't been saying 'Pretty Bird'. Likely because I've been leaving the parrots alone in hopes they'll bond to each other.
- I am grateful for the book I borrowed from Mom, used to be Dad's, about the 'Dirty Thirties' so I can write a speech for Toastmasters about that time in history, and my Dad's part in it.
- I am grateful for the poem I wrote about my Dad before he passed away.
- I am grateful for all of you.


quilly said...

Did you read ALL the Wordzzles? There were a couple of folks who posted even later than I -- one as late as today -- but she is new (and my friend & former neighbor).

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Okay... I did not check back today, sigh, so guess I have to go back and do some more reading, though not tonight. Thanks Quilly for pointing this out.

Akelamalu said...

It's a good idea to think on what we have to be grateful for, makes us grateful doesn't it?

I must go back and check on the wordzzles there must be some I haven't read. :0

Anonymous said...

Great grateful list...getting laundry and dishes done is so relieving. I hate doing them both.