Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Am Grateful

Today I was home until evening. I didn't do a lot around the house, though I did send ads in to the news paper for my Spiritual Centre, upcoming events. I also did a few other little things, but neck was stiff and sore, a bit of a headache, so I read more of my wonderful book, The Passion Test, and visited some of the blogs I want to read.

This evening I went to Toastmasters. I usually drive up in my truck, but was talking to Sheila on the phone and asked if I could catch a ride with her this time. She was agreeable to that, so I met her at a convenient place on the other side of the lake where I left my truck. When I told her I leave the key in the ignition since yesterday's little problem, she insisted I put her Club on my steering wheel while we're gone, and that I use it until I get the ignition fixed. She works in auto insurance, so knows statistics on vehicle theft in this area. Apparently older trucks are hot just now as they don't have the anti-theft stuff built in to them that the new ones do, and if caught, it's theft under $5000, so carries a much lighter sentence. My truck is a 1992, so would be right up their alley apparently. From what she was saying, they closed down a lot of drug rehab centres in the areas, so the crime rate has gone way up. But enough of that negative stuff.

Dan dropped by on his way home from work today, to visit for a short while.

There were many of our club members that couldn't make it to the meeting tonight for various different reasons, so we did something a little different than usual. Most of this evening was done as Table Topics (impromptu speeches lasting 1 1/2 to 2 minutes). Then rather than having one person evaluate all the speakers as usual, we had the last speaker evaluate the next speaker, then on to the next topic. It was a lot of fun and gave everyone a bit more experience with evaluations. Usually we have one Table Topics Master, tonight there were three of us. Just for something different, instead of verbal prompts, questions, I chose to show them some of my photos. Each one was given one photo to tell a story about.

- I am grateful for the comfort of my home.
- I am grateful my computer is working again.
- I am grateful for this wonderful apple and cup of tea I am currently enjoying.
- I am grateful I rode to Toastmasters with Sheila and got to know her a bit better.
- I am grateful for Sheila's concern that my truck not get stolen.
- I am grateful for the beautiful spring weather we are having.
- I am grateful I saw a baby sheep (lamb) in the field down the road yesterday.
- I am grateful the snow is quickly melting away.
- I am grateful Reba is laying close to my feet as I sit here writing to you.
- I am grateful all my animals are very near me.
- I am grateful for the chickens I am going to get tomorrow... 1 hen & 1 rooster.
- I am grateful for colors. I love color in my life, to look around my world and see all different colors, especially bright,
- I am grateful for good health.
- I am grateful I just figured out how to make this screen larger as it's been really tiny and hard to work with.
- I am grateful for you. Yup, for you. Without you, there would be so much less point in doing this blog. Who wants to write if there's no one to read?


Dr.John said...

In answer to your last question. Nobody.
Your club sounds like lots of fun.
Everywhere there seems to be people who steal cars and trucks.

Anonymous said...

I bet your pictures were a roaring success. Thanks again for your Gratefulness :)