Thursday, May 31, 2007

Practicing for pay :o)

I want to get paid to blog, as some other bloggers are doing. A few days ago I was sent an email saying my blog had been approved, and it included the opportunity to blog about The Police. I must have taken too long to get to it and the opportunity passed me by, is no longer available. Anyway, I wrote something for it and look at it as a good practice anyway. I've decided to share it here so I can get feed back as to how it would have gone over as a PayPerPost.

The Police are coming! You won’t hear sirens, but you will hear loud music and screaming fans. This three piece rock band from the ‘80s has just kicked off their first tour in 23 years. This world tour started in Vancouver, BC Canada with two sold out concerts enjoyed by over 20,000 fans. So far nearly 2 million tickets have already been sold and concert dates are being confirmed all around the world.

It’s been years now since I was to a live concert, but I used to love going to them. The excitement of everyone there is intoxicating. The first concert I ever went to was with my boyfriend, became husband, became ex-husband, haha. We went to see Dr. Hook, a bit raunchy for the innocent young girl I was at that time, but education has to start somewhere, lol. While living at the coast for a year I went to many country concerts like George Strait, Highway 101, Hank Williams Jr., Kentucky Headhunters, too many to mention (well okay, too many for this aging mind to remember on such a hot day, haha). I’m a country music fan so most of the concerts were country music, thought I also saw Steve Earle and a few non country singers that were awesome. The last live concert I went to was with Mom & my sister Marcy a few years ago. We went to Kelowna to see Kenny Rogers. He sure puts on a great performance and we all loved it.

I think everyone should go see some live concerts in their lifetime, I think I should go to another one again soon, and I think if anyone out there has the opportunity to see The Police in this world tour they will not regret taking the time to go.

From what I can tell looking on PayPerPost, there are currently no opportunities available for me to write about. When one does come along I hope it's something I know enough about to be able to throw out a good post about it, and hop on it quickly while it's still available.

The link(s) in this ad has been removed - March 7, 2009


Anonymous said...

Hi Alice - I wanted to tell you a few things about PPP, but it would take me forever to write out. :-) Would you like to email me your phone # and I can give you a call sometime this weekend?

Quicker and easier that way :-)

darkfoam said...

i do hope this opportunity works out for you.
i'd be interested reading one for which you did get paid.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Kai - done! haha The email is one it's way.

Foam - thank you very much. Me too... lol. I think that once I get started I'll do well with it. Anything I set my mind to :o)